Map Settings Metabox

Following settings appear in the map settings metabox:

uID - enter the same string in [mapbox-search] shortcode to connect both shortcodes

Max number of markers - number of markers to display on map (empty field gives all markers)

Map width - set map width in pixels. With empty field the map will take all possible width.

Map height - set map height in pixels, also possible to set 100% value.

MapBox style - select preferred MapBox map style.

Make map to be sticky on scroll - makes the map to be sticky on scroll.

Sticky scroll top padding - sticky scroll top padding in pixels.

Group map markers in clusters - map markers will be groupped in clusters.

Enable automatic user Geolocation - requires https on the site.

Show "Read more" button - this button opens listing window.

Show "Directions" button - this button provides directions to the selected location.

Directions sidebar opened by default - whether to open directions panel near the map by default.