Listings logos & images

Following settings place on Listings settings tab of the "Maps Admin -> Maps settings" page.

Enable logo in infowindow - switch on/off listings logo images in map marker infowindow.

Enable lightbox on images gallery - switch on/off lightbox effect for images gallery in listing window.

Enable automatic rotating slideshow on images gallery - switch on/off auto slider for images gallery in listing window.

The delay in rotation (in ms) - the delay between rotation of slides (in milliseconds).

Exclude logo image from images gallery - logo image will be visible only in map sidebar and marker info window, it will be excluded from single listing page.

Enable default logo image - when logo image file was not uploaded the directory will show default image.

Default logo image - this image will appear when listing owner did not upload own logo.

100% width of images gallery - make images gallery full width in listing window. When disabled - next setting will be used.

Images gallery width on single listing page (in pixels) - this option works when previous setting was switched off. Images gallery on listing page places at the left side within provided width, right side contains text information.

Images gallery height on single listing page (in pixels) - set to 0 to fit full height.

Do crop images gallery - this setting fits images for their proportions you preferred on your site: "Cut off image to fit width and height of main slide" for popular rectangular images (in this case images may be scaled and cut off) or "Full image inside main slide" for tall and thin images (so images will be scaled to be fully placed inside main slide). This setting works when gallery height is limited (not set to 0).