Any WordPress string parameters should be wrapped in quotes (Example: order_by='post_date')


This is main shortcode, required for stable functionality of the plugin. This shortcode may have "custom_home" attribute, when you set up [webdirectory custom_home=1] - the shortcode displays only listings, no map, no categories block, no search form. This special mode allows to build custom directory home page as you wish using additional shortcodes. Total configuration implemented from admin dashboard.

Parameter Default
custom_home When set to 1 it enables special mode, that allows to build custom home page 0
id ID of directory 0

Example custom home page 1
Example custom home page 2
Example custom home page 3
Example custom home page 4
Example custom home page 5
Example custom home page 6


This shortcode is used to build additional pages with listings.

Parameter Default
uid Enter unique string to connect this shortcode with another shortcodes.
directories IDs of directories (comma separated).
onepage Show all possible listings on one page. 0
perpage Number of listings to display per page. Set -1 to display all listings without paginator. 10
paged Page number to start from. 1
scrolling_paginator Automatically display next page of listing when the screen reaches the bottom. 0
sticky_featured Show only sticky and featured listings. 0
order_by Possible values: post_date, title, rand, distance - when listings search in radius. Also this is possible to order by some content fields, those types have ordering functionality: text string, date-time, digital number, price. Just need to set content field slug as this attribute. post_date
order Direction of sorting: ASC or DESC. ASC
hide_order Hide ordering navigation links. 0
hide_count Hide number of found listings. 0
show_views_switcher Show listings views switcher. 1
listings_view_type Listings view by default, 'list' or 'grid'. list
listings_view_grid_columns Number of columns for listings Grid View (1,2,3 or 4). 2
listing_thumb_width Listing thumbnail logo width in List View (in pixels). by setting*
grid_view_logo_ratio Thumbnail image ratio. Percents is used: 100 (1:1), 75 (4:3), 56.25 (16:9), 50 (2:1). by setting*
wrap_logo_list_view Wrap logo image by text content in List View. 0
logo_animation_effect Enable/disable thumbnail animation hover effect. by setting*
hide_content Hide all text content except listing title. 0
rating_stars Show rating stars. When ratings addon enabled. 1
summary_on_logo_hover Place summary on hover layout. 0
carousel Enable/disable carousel slider. 0
carousel_show_slides Slides to show. 4
carousel_slide_width Slide width (in pixels). 250
carousel_slide_height Slide height(in pixels). 300
carousel_full_width Carousel width (in pixels). With empty field carousel will take all possible width.
ajax_initial_load Load listings only after the page was completely loaded. 0
author Enter exact ID of author or word "related" to get assigned listings of current author (works only on listing page or WordPress author page).
address Display listings near this address, recommended to set "radius" attribute.
radius Display listings near provided address within this radius in miles or kilometers - according to dimension parameter from directory settings.
categories Comma separated string of categories IDs or slugs - use only IDs or only slugs.
related_categories Get listings with same categories. Parameter works only on listings and categories pages. 0
locations Comma separated string of locations IDs or slugs - use only IDs or only slugs.
related_locations Get listings in same locations. Parameter works only on listings and locations pages. 0
tags Comma separated string of tags IDs or slugs - use only IDs or only slugs.
related_tags Get listings of same tags. Parameter works only on listings and tags pages. 0
include_categories_children Include children of selected categories and locations. When enabled - any subcategories or sublocations will be included as well. Related categories and locations also affected. 0
include_get_params Follow params of the search form (when search form shortcode connected with this listings shortcode). 1
related_directory Get listings of the same directory. 0
levels Comma separated string of levels IDs. Here you may filter which listings to display by its levels.
post__in Comma separated string of listings IDs. Possible to display exact listings.
start_listings Comma separated string of listings IDs. Display these listings by default, then directory searches as always.
field_SLUG Possible to filter by content fields values like on the search form. Filters depend on fields types:

  • Text string and Textarea - filter in the following format: field_SLUG="string"
  • Digital value - here are 2 variants: when content field was configured to search by exact values - field_SLUG="number"; when content field was configured to search by MIN and MAX values - field_SLUG_min="number" and/or field_SLUG_max="number"
  • Price - the same as for Digital value type
  • Date-Time - define date range in the following format: field_SLUG_min="" and/or field_SLUG_max=""
  • Select list, Radio buttons and Checkboxes - filter in the following format: field_SLUG="comma separated selection items IDs". Select list, Radio buttons support only single ID.

Connected Shortcodes
4 Columns
Only Sticky & Featured listings


Displays page header, the same as on the demo pages: background image according to the page type, page title and breadcrumbs.
Wordpress pages diplay featured images as background. Listings logos as background on listings single pages. On categories and locations pages it displays featured images, those you can manage at "Directory listings -> Directory categories" and "Directory listings -> Directory locations".


Displays just a title of a page: home page, categories, locations or tags name, search or listing name.


This shortcode is used to build google maps with listings locations as map markers. This shortcode supports most part of parameters for [webdirectory-listings] shortcode + following additional attributes:

Parameter Default
custom_home When set to 1 it enables special mode, that allows to build custom home page. 0
directories IDs of directories (comma separated).
num Number of markers to display on map (-1 gives all markers). -1
map_markers_is_limit How many map markers to display on the map. 0 - Display all map markers. 1 - The only map markers of visible listings will be displayed (when listings shortcode is connected with map by unique string). 0
uid Enter unique string to connect this shortcode with another shortcodes.
width Set map width (by default whole possible width).
height Set map height. 400
radius_circle Display radius cycle on map when radius filter provided. 1
clusters Group map markers in clusters. 0
sticky_scroll Makes the map to be sticky on scroll. 0
sticky_scroll_toppadding Sticky scroll top padding in pixels. 0
map_style Google Maps style. Whole list in directory settings. default
show_summary_button Show "Summary" button in info window. 0
show_readmore_button Show "Read more" button in info window. 1
ajax_loading When map contains lots of markers - this may slow down map markers loading. Select AJAX to speed up loading. Requires Starting Address or Starting Point coordinates Latitude and Longitude. 0
ajax_markers_loading Maps info window AJAX loading. This may additionally speed up loading. 0
start_address When map markers load by AJAX - it should have starting point and starting zoom. Enter start address or select latitude and longitude. Example: 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
start_latitude Starting point latitude.
start_longitude Starting point longitude.
start_zoom Starting point zoom. 0
geolocation Enable automatic user Geolocation. 0
draw_panel Enable Draw Panel. 0
enable_full_screen Enable full screen button. 1
enable_wheel_zoom Enable zoom by mouse wheel. For desktops. 1
enable_dragging_touchscreens Enable map dragging on touch screen devices. 1
center_map_onclick Center map on marker click. 0
categories Categories to show on a map. Comma separated string of categories IDs or slugs - use only IDs or only slugs.
locations Locations to show on a map. Comma separated string of locations IDs or slugs - use only IDs or only slugs.
search_on_map Show search form and listings panel on the map. 0
search_on_map_open Search form open by default. 0
show_keywords_search Show keywords search on the search form. 1
keywords_ajax_search Enable listings autosuggestions by keywords. 1
what_search Default keywords on the search form.
keywords_placeholder Keywords placeholder.
show_categories_search Show categories search on the search form. 1
categories_search_level Categories search depth level on the search form (1,2,3). 1
category Select certain category ID on the search form. 0
exact_categories List of categories on the search form. Comma separated string of categories slugs or IDs.
address Default address, recommended to set default radius.
address_placeholder Address placeholder.
show_radius_search Show radius slider on the search form. 1
radius Display listings near provided address within this radius in miles or kilometers - according to dimension parameter from directory settings.
show_address_search Show address search on the search form. 1
show_locations_search Show locations search on the search form. 1
locations_search_level Locations search depth level on the search form (1,2,3). 1
location Select certain location ID on the search form. 0
exact_locations List of locations on the search form. Comma separated string of locations slugs or IDs.
+ parameters from [webdirectory-listings] shortcode, such as: sticky_featured, author, related_directory, related_categories, related_locations, related_tags, levels, post_in, start_listings, include_categories_children and special content fields filters.

Search + AJAX Map + Listings
Radius circle
All Listings of Location
With the Search Form
Draw Panel


This shortcode is used to build categories tables, lists and grids. This shortcode supports following parameters:

Parameter Default
custom_home When set to 1 it enables special mode, that allows to build custom home page. 0
directory ID of directory. Links will redirect to selected directory. 0
parent ID of parent category. This will build categories tree starting from the parent as root. 0
depth The max depth of categories tree (1,2). When set to 1 only root categories will be listed. 1
columns Number of categories columns in the table, up to 4 categories. 2
count Show the number of listings inside categories. 1
hide_empty Hide empty categories. 0
subcats This is the number of subcategories those will be displayed in the table, when category item includes more than this number, then "View all subcategories ->" link appears at the bottom. 0
categories Comma separated string of categories slugs or IDs. Possible to display exact categories.
icons Show/hide categories icons. 1
grid Display larger cells of the table. 0
grid_view 3 modes to display categories table (1,2,3). This is fixed table with limited number of categories. Use 'categories' parameter to display specific categories. 0
menu Display as categories list without featured images background. 0
order Display terms sorted by default (as sorted on Directory Listings -> Directory Categories), name, count. default



This shortcode is used to build locations tables, lists and grids. This shortcode supports following parameters:

Parameter Default
custom_home When set to 1 it enables special mode, that allows to build custom home page. 0
directory ID of directory. Links will redirect to selected directory. 0
parent ID of parent location. This will build locations tree starting from the parent as root. 0
depth The max depth of locations tree (1,2). When set to 1 only root locations will be listed. 1
columns Number of locations columns in the table, up to 4 locations. 2
count Show the number of listings inside locations. 1
hide_empty Hide empty locations. 0
sublocations This is the number of sublocations those will be displayed in the table, when location item includes more than this number, then "View all sublocations ->" link appears at the bottom. 0
locations Comma separated string of locations slugs or IDs. Possible to display exact locations.
icons Show/hide locations icons. 1
grid Display larger cells of the table. 0
grid_view 3 modes to display locations table (1,2,3). This is fixed table with limited number of locations. Use 'locations' parameter to display specific locations. 0
menu Display as locations list without featured images background. 0
order Display terms sorted by default (as sorted on Directory Listings -> Directory Locations), name, count. default



This shortcode builds directory search form. Parameters of this shortcode:

Parameter Default
custom_home When set to 1 it enables special mode, that allows to build custom home page. 0
directory ID of directory. Search in this specific directory.
uid Enter unique string to connect this shortcode with another shortcodes.
form_id ID of a search form built in Search Forms section.



Works only when Frontend submission & dashboard addon was enabled. This shortcode builds listings submission pages. The process of listing submission divided in some steps, the number of submission steps varies according to different conditions: log in step may be missed if user was already logged in, payment step either doesn't required for free listings. Choose level page will be skipped when there are only one level. Also it depends on "Hide choose level page" setting.

This shortcode supports following parameters:

Parameter Default
directory ID of directory. Submission into specific directory.
levels Choose exact levels to display. Comma separated levels IDs.
columns Columns number on choose level page. 3
columns_same_height Show/hide parameters those have negation. For example, such row in the table will be shown: Featured Listings - No. In other case this row will be hidden. 1
show_period Show level active period on choose level page. 1
show_sticky Show is level sticky on choose level page. 1
show_featured Show is level featured on choose level page. 1
show_categories Show level's categories number on choose level page. 1
show_locations Show level's locations number on choose level page. 1
show_maps Show is level supports maps on choose level page. 1
show_images Show level's images number on choose level page. 1
show_videos Show level's videos number on choose level page. 1
options Additional options in the levels table. Use following format for each level separated by ';' symbol: ID>Option name>yes or no. Any string parameters should be wrapped in quotes. Example: 1>Advantage>yes;2>Advantage>no



Works only when Frontend submission & dashboard addon was enabled and a page with [webdirectory-submit] shortcode exists. Works in similar way as [webdirectory-submit] shortcode, but it displays only pricing/levels table. Has exactly the same parameters.



Works only when Frontend submission & dashboard addon was enabled. Logged in users have an ability to manage their listings, invoices and profile on the frontend dashboard page. This shortcode doesn't have any parameters.



Renders frontend buttons: submit new listing, my favourites button and these buttons on single listing page: edit listing, print listing, put in/out favourites list, save listing in PDF. This shortcode doesn't have any attributes.

This shortcode supports following parameters:

Parameter Default
directories IDs of directories. Renders submission buttons for each directory separately.
hide_button_text Hides the text of a button, so it will render only icon. 0
buttons Comma delimited list of buttons. 'submit', 'logout' and 'favourites' will render on all pages. 'claim', 'edit', 'print', 'bookmark' and 'pdf' only on single listings pages. submit,claim,favourites,edit,



Directory listings in slider view.

Parameter Default
slides Maximum number of slides. 5
captions Show captions on each slide 1
pager Show thumbnails slides 1
width Maximum width of slider in pixels. Leave empty to make it auto width.
height Set fixed height of the slider (in pixels). Otherwise it will adapt height for each slide.
slide_width Set fixed width of main slide (in pixels)
max_slides Show multiple slides on main slide area 1
crop Do crop images 1
order_by_rand Set to order listings randomly. 0
auto_slides Enable automatic rotating slideshow. 0
auto_slides_delay The delay in rotation (in ms). 3000
+ Parameters from [webdirectory-listings] shortcode, such as: sticky_featured, order_by, order, address, radius, categories, locations, author, related_directory, related_categories, related_locations, related_tags, levels, post_in, start_listings, include_categories_children and special content fields filters.



Displays breadcrumbs in the place of this shortcode. This shortcode need when you build custom home page.


Displays category, location or tag title in the place of this shortcode. This shortcode need when you build custom home page.


Displays category, location or tag description in the place of this shortcode. This shortcode need when you build custom home page.

Place listing shortcodes at the Single Listing Page


Builds special page for single listings. If you want separate "template" page for every single listing - create new page with this shortcode.

Parameter Default
directory ID of directory. Possible to set up different listing page for each directory separately.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays header of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays all fields of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays images gallery of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays content field of current listing.
id ID of a content field.
classes CSS classes to add in wrapper div of a content field.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays content fields group of current listing.
id ID of a content fields group.
classes CSS classes to add in wrapper div of a content fields group.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays map of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays videos section of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays contact form of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays report form of current listing.


Parameter Default
listing ID of a listing. When empty it displays comments section of current listing.

by setting* - means, that there is a setting in Directory Admin -> Directory settings, it controls default value of corresponding parameter. When this parameter is missed in a shortcode - it takes from a setting.